People who share a political ideology have more similar “neural fingerprints” of political words and process new information in similar ways, according to a...
Understanding violence in all of its variety has occupied social scientists for some time now. In this attempt various explanations have been put forth,...
Israeli scientists say they are able to establish where people stand on politics by scanning their brains. Researchers at Tel Aviv University used magnetic...
Political turmoil and uncertainty beset Central Asia in 2022. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan faced domestic, regional and international challenges exacerbated by the...
Understanding the mechanics that cause conflict and identifying multi-scale population areas that are at risk of conflict Research areas Mathematical physics || Information Theory...
China’s President Xi Jinping recently signed an order to establish a legal framework for conducting “non-war military operations” – more commonly known as “military operations other than war” (MOOTW)
Singapore (16 June). The annual 19th round of the UK-based International Institute for Strategic Studies the Shangri-La Dialogue (10–12 June 2022), took place in...