Unilever, the food giant that prides itself on its “social purpose”, has been named “an international sponsor of war” by the Ukrainian government. The...
The prohibition of political activities in schools and universities has been identified as a barrier to the youth’s engagement in democratic processes, experts warned....
GlobalData’s latest report predicts substantial growth in the global military land vehicles market, fuelled by increasing cross-border conflicts and the military assertiveness of certain nations....
YouTube might be the world’s biggest repository of news, political information, and generally accessible knowledge. Unfortunately, it also might be the world’s biggest repository...
Terrorist groups have been increasingly targeting youths, with Singapore considered a “prized target”, Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said on Wednesday (Jun 21). Speaking...
The family of Tanzanian-born Nemes Raymond Taremo first heard rumors that their beloved relative had been killed on the frontlines in faraway Ukraine in...