After an intense 48-hour operation, the situation in the Jenin refugee camp is approaching its conclusion. Following extensive preparations spanning several months, IDF special...
“Antony Blinken, effectively, threw Taiwan under the bus,” lamented Rebekah Koffler, a former US defence intelligence officer, shortly after the US secretary of state’s...
In April 2022, President Xi Jinping announced the Global Security Initiative (GSI), outlining China’s overarching principles for managing global defense and security issues. Given...
In a recent report published by the United Nations (UN), it highlighted the link between the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) remains strong...
The International Institute for Strategic Studies’ Shangri-La Dialogue, Asia’s largest security conference, earlier this month wrapped up its annual meeting in Singapore. The context...
Over 400 significant anti-government protests have erupted worldwide since 2017. More than 132 countries were directly affected. Of these, 135 were significant economic anti-government...
U.S. fears are not only irrational—they’re a potential self-fulfilling prophecy. The United States and its Asian partners want to maintain a balance of power...
If Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has shaken the foundations of the international order, a Chinese takeover of Taiwan would lead to a profound global geopolitical...