The international community has recently been rocked by the Hong Kong government’s chilling decision to place bounties on eight exiled activists, two of whom...
The 2002 Bali bombings, perpetrated by Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), a terrorist organisation that has close links with Al-Qaeda, marked a shift in the Indonesian...
An Asian challenger to the International Monetary Fund has garnered support from China. But without a radical departure from the existing neoliberal model, more...
JAKARTA — Foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and partner countries are gathering in Jakarta for a series of meetings, with...
South Korea is trying to benefit from the tripartite coordination mechanism with Washington and Tokyo to confront the dangers of its northern neighbor in...
“Antony Blinken, effectively, threw Taiwan under the bus,” lamented Rebekah Koffler, a former US defence intelligence officer, shortly after the US secretary of state’s...
East Timor’s first democratically elected head of state, Xanana Gusmao, returned to power on Saturday, eight years after he resigned as prime minister of...
In April 2022, President Xi Jinping announced the Global Security Initiative (GSI), outlining China’s overarching principles for managing global defense and security issues. Given...