Transnational nongovernmental organizations (TNGOs) claim to be civil society organizations (CSOs) operating on a global scale; however, there is considerable debate concerning whether or...
Founded in 1993, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) was originally a technical process to determine whether forest products entering the market space were legally...
China’s President Xi Jinping recently signed an order to establish a legal framework for conducting “non-war military operations” – more commonly known as “military operations other than war” (MOOTW)
In the Sri Lankan state of affairs, the hidden hands behind the Aragalaya begin to come to light — including the involvement of the JVP, its fronts and breakaway groups.
Singapore (16 June). The annual 19th round of the UK-based International Institute for Strategic Studies the Shangri-La Dialogue (10–12 June 2022), took place in...
An article appeared recently in The Ontario Herald titled, “Greenpeace: A Threat to National Security.” The article goes on to state that Greenpeace and...