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Pentagon advises U.S space firms to remain vigilant against foreign intelligence

Pentagon has issued a bulletin warning that foreign adversaries could potentially exploit the U.S. space industry through investments, joint ventures, or acquisitions.

The guidance, titled “Safeguarding the U.S. Space Industry,” highlights the vulnerability of American space companies to attacks aimed at harming their operations or gaining access to valuable intellectual property for the benefit of foreign national space programs.

Threats to the U.S. Space Industry

The bulletin emphasizes that foreign intelligence entities (FIEs) view U.S. space-related innovation and assets as both potential threats and valuable opportunities for acquiring vital technologies and expertise.

FIEs employ various strategies, including cyberattacks, strategic investments such as joint ventures and acquisitions, and targeting key supply chain nodes, to gain access to the U.S. space industry.

The document, jointly published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, provides indicators that may suggest an FIE is targeting a business.

These indicators include offers to establish joint ventures with companies tied to foreign governments and acquisitions or investments from foreign companies through wholly owned subsidiaries registered in third countries.

Pentagon’s Efforts to Safeguard the U.S. Space Industry

In recent years, the Pentagon has been actively working to ensure the integrity of capital flowing into U.S. space companies, particularly through venture capital channels. In 2021, the Department of Defense introduced the Trusted Capital program, which aims to connect companies with vetted sources of cash to minimize the risk of foreign exploitation.

The U.S. government also relies on established entities like the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) to review certain foreign transactions and investments in American companies. If these transactions are deemed to pose a threat to national security, they can be blocked.

An example of this is the case of Noosphere Venture Partners, a fund owned by Ukrainian investor Max Polyakov, which held a controlling interest in Firefly Aerospace. Eventually, Polyakov sold his stake to AE Industrial Partners.

Protecting Intellectual Property and National Security

The Pentagon’s bulletin underscores the importance of protecting intellectual property and national security in the U.S. space industry. As space exploration and technology continue to advance, safeguarding American innovation becomes crucial to maintaining a competitive edge and ensuring national interests are not compromised.

By raising awareness about the potential threats posed by foreign adversaries, the Pentagon aims to encourage space companies to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to protect their operations and intellectual property.

This includes implementing robust cybersecurity measures, conducting thorough due diligence when considering partnerships or investments, and collaborating with government agencies to ensure compliance with national security regulations.

The Future of U.S. Space Industry Security

As the U.S. space industry continues to evolve and attract significant investment, it is imperative that measures are in place to safeguard against potential exploitation by foreign adversaries.

The Pentagon’s bulletin serves as a reminder that the threat landscape is constantly evolving, requiring ongoing efforts to adapt and strengthen security protocols.

Collaboration between government agencies, space companies, and investors is crucial in developing comprehensive strategies to protect the U.S. space industry.

This includes sharing threat intelligence, implementing stringent vetting processes for capital sources, and fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness and resilience.


The Pentagon’s warning about the potential exploitation of the U.S. space industry by foreign adversaries highlights the need for heightened security measures and increased vigilance.

By recognizing the tactics employed by foreign intelligence entities and taking proactive steps to protect intellectual property and national security, American space companies can continue to innovate and thrive in a rapidly evolving industry.

Through initiatives like the Trusted Capital program and the involvement of entities such as CFIUS, the U.S. government is actively working to mitigate risks and ensure that investments in the U.S. space industry align with national security interests.

By prioritizing the protection of intellectual property and fostering collaboration between public and private sectors, the U.S. can maintain its position as a global leader in space exploration and technology.


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